Town councillors in Whitland have raised concerns over plans for a housing development on the site of the former creamery.
At the recent meeting of Whitland Town Council, proposals for a residential development of 35 dwellings on the land south of St Marys Street which is a predominantly derelict brownfield site leftover from the demolition of the former dairy were discussed.
The application (PL/06862) includes a public car park, together with associated roads, drainage, landscaping and other infrastructure works came before members.
Following consideration of all the information provided by the Planning Authority and emails received from members of the public who live in close proximity to the proposed site, it was proposed and seconded that the following points are brought to the attention of the Planning Authority at Carmarthenshire County Council:
• Parking is a long on-going problem along St Marys Street, the proposed site offers 62 car parking spaces for the proposed 35 dwellings – These include houses with three plus bedrooms and with modern living this could potentially mean that a number of houses will require more than two car parking spaces. These will be further congested if the retail unit is approved.
• Concerns have been raised and brought to the Town Council’s notice regarding the impact the development will have on the existing buildings in St Marys Street. These properties were greatly damaged during the clearing of the old dairy factory, with the involvement of solicitors and residents being compensated for the structural damages caused to their properties. Concerns are that further clearing of this site will cause further damage to the properties in St Marys Street. Who will monitor the clearing of the proposed site and the structural impact on buildings in St Marys Street?

• The impact of this development, along with the already approved sites, will have a negative impact on the water, sewerage and doctors surgery services also the possibility of increasing to the flooding issues.
• In close proximity to the proposed site is the infant and junior school. The impact of additional vehicles in this location will cause further congestion and traffic issues at school drop off and pick up times. This road is used by busses, large farm machinery and livestock wagons which all cause problems at these times.
• The proposed site would be access from St Marys Street – and as stated previously, a street where parking is already a problem. With cars parking along the street the narrow two lane street becomes a single tract road – this would be a major hazard for persons accessing and egressing the proposed site. This would also cause a major access issue for emergency services having access along St Marys Street.
• Concerns were raised as historically part of this proposed site has flooded.
• Clarity to be sought regarding the Section 106 contribution.