£2m plans for wheelchair accessible holiday lodges at the site of a deer park attraction near Tenby, would make the county a more disability-friendly location, its applicants say.

In an application submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council, Mr and Mrs Evans seek permission for 15 lodges at Great Wedlock, Gumfreston, near Tenby, the site of a 176-acre deer farm attraction, and a recently-granted market traders’ barn.

In a supporting statement, the applicants explained that in 2020 they bought the farm and set about applying for planning permission to open it to the public to provide a new tourism destination and allow visitors to re-connect with the countryside.

“We opened the deer park in May 2023 with a great emphasis on catering for disabled persons and the elderly,” they stated.

They say the deer park has disability-friendly facilities, along with a specially adapted MPV allowing disabled visitors to the deer park to go on ‘Safari’ - viewing the deer, as well as electric buggies and trailers for wheelchair users.

“There is an ever-increasing demand for the type of development that we are now looking to undertake. We are now applying for 15 wheelchair accessible lodges that will be made available for those with accessible needs, specially designed and manufactured by Quality Pods Wales (located in Pembroke Dock).

Plans for wheelchair accessible holiday lodges at the site of a deer park attraction near Tenby would make the county a more disability-friendly location, its applicants say. (Pic: Quality Pods, Pembrokeshire.)

“Using local suppliers underpins our business model to support the wider Pembrokeshire economy. Current build costs to complete the development are circa £2m which will add considerable income to local suppliers, contractors and the lodge manufacturer. This will bring our total investment across the site to some £10m, funded wholly by our own funds.”

The applicants add: “The development of these units will provide an inclusive and accessible environment for guests, in addition to the work we have undertaken at the main park already,” adding it would “also take pressure off the local housing stock especially as second homes are noted as an issue surrounding local affordability and availability of accommodation for permanent residents residing in Pembrokeshire”.

They hope the scheme, if granted, would create five full-time jobs.

The application will be considered by planners at a later date.