Plans to introduce a new vehicular access and carry out extension work to a prominent Grade II listed Tenby hotel near to the North Beach, look set to be approved next week.

Leisureplax Hotels Ltd have submitted plans to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority for the provision of a three storey rear extension and a new vehicular access through the existing Cliffe Norton Hotel situated at 10 The Norton.

The vehicular access would connect to the rear car park, with the plans seeking permission to demolish rear late additions. New rear windows and doors with minor internal alterations throughout also form part of the application which is set to go before PCNPA’s development management committee on Wednesday.

The new scheme will provide a total of 91 rooms within the premises, which has been a hotel since 1930.

Planning case officer for PCNPA Andrew Richards, has recommended that both the full application and ‘listed building’ consent be approved subject to a list of planning conditions that are set to be put to the development management committee at the meeting which will be held at Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock.