Plans to install a new all-weather sports pitch at Tenby’s secondary school, have been backed by local councillors, with plans set to go before the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s planning committee.

A planning application (Ref: NP/24/0313/FUL) submitted by Pembrokeshire County Council’s leisure services manager Gary Nicholas for the replacement of the existing ATP surface with new synthetic turf and to extend the pitch by approximately 9 m at Greenhill School on Heywood Lane, have been submitted to PCNPA.

The proposals will also see a perimeter fence replaced and new LED luminaires installed within the existing flood lighting columns.

The new pitch will be used by the school in the day and be available for the local community to use at evenings, weekends and during school holidays.

Discussing the plans at this month’s meeting of Tenby Town Council, members recommended approval for the application, stating that they welcomed the proposal as it improves sporting facilities within the town.

Once the planning application is determined, it is hoped that work to construct the new pitch can be carried out during the summer holidays, so that it will be operational ahead of the autumn term.