Councillors in Tenby have given their backing to plans to transform one of the High Street’s main retail stores into a hotel and restaurant.

Plans have been submitted to Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority for a change of use of retail shop (A1) to Spa Hotel (C1), restaurant (A3) and café/bar (A3); associated extensions and alterations at 12 High Street.

The premises was previously hme to the TP Hughes store for a number of years, before going onto house clothes retailer M&Co, which closed last year.

Giving their recommendations on the application at this month’s meeting of Tenby Town Council, members recommended approval for the plans, stating: ‘The application blends in with the town Conservation Area and will enhance the tourist offer.

‘It goes some way to offsetting the loss of hotel bed spaces elsewhere in the town. Although the loss of A1 retail space is noted, the building appears to have been unable to attract a new retail offer and members feel that the proposed use is more favourable than allowing possible deterioration of the fabric of the building.’

Members were unclear from the application as to the arrangements for waste storage and asked that this be clarified going forward.