Among planning applications considered by Tenby Town Council at their meeting this month, for recommendation to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority were the following:

NP/24/0332/FUL: Extend an already existing drop kerb by four flats and one right hand riser, widening of driveway entrance and additional works to front boundary wall, at Drinagh, Serpentine Road, Tenby (Councillors recommended approval - stating that the application site is within a section of carriageway where this proposal will not adversely impact on-street parking provision to any great extent).

NP/24/0414/FUL: Proposed first floor bedroom extension to existing dwelling, at Bronwen, 1 Edward Street, Tenby (Councillors recommended approval - stating that the proposal will not have an adverse effect on the amenity of neighbouring properties).

NP/24/0422/S73: Variation of condition 2 and removal of conditions 4,5,6, 7 and 8 of NP/23/0632/FUL - Alterations and extension to detached single storey dwelling and removal of chimney, at Longshaw, North Cliffe, Tenby (councillors recommended approval - Having recommended approval of NP/23/0632/FUL, members have no objection to this proposal on the proviso that the case officer feels the conditions have been met).