A plan to add holiday accommodation to a south Pembrokeshire pub in a flood zone has been given the go ahead following a ‘cooling off period’.

Proposals to extend and alter Milton Brewery to add three bed and breakfast units had been discussed by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s development management committee last month where members voted to grant approval.

However, as this was against the officer recommendation of refusal – on flood risk grounds – a ‘cooling off period’ was invoked and the application was discussed again at this week’s committee on September 7.

The committee heard that the design of the alterations are supported but the plan was recommended for refusal on planning grounds because the accommodation would be located in a C2 flood zone and would be a risk for those staying and emergency services tasked to any incident there.

The plan is to alter and extend the existing pub and continue its use as a public house and restaurant on the ground floor, with three bed and breakfast rooms on the first floor alone with internal alterations to the existing first floor manager’s accommodation.

Planning policy referring to development reducing, not increasing, flood risk, the ability of emergency services to respond and the definition of residential premises in a flood zone as highly vulnerable development is listed in the officer’s report.

Committee member Cllr Rhys Jordan highlighted the “community benefit” of the business to Milton, and the proposals were also supported by a number of other members, while some concerns about increase flood risk and climate change were highlighted.

A majority vote to approve the application against officer recommendation was recorded.