A call to allow a garden shed in Narberth to continue as a hair salon has been given the go-ahead by county planners.

William Lloyd sought retrospective permission to continue the use of the shed at 1a Bridge Villas, Narberth; the works for the change of use completed in January of last year.

Narberth Town Council raised no objection to the scheme.

A supporting document says the scheme also includes an insect hotel on the rear boundary wall with a proposed planter below to be planted with low-level shrubs, along with a water butt.

It added: “Our opinion is the additional planter, water butt and insect hotel adds a positive green infrastructure value to the site considering the current value, due to the extensive hard landscaping, is minimal.”

A report for planners states: “The retrospective development for the change of use of part of the garden shed, whilst outside of the town centre, would have both economic and social benefits, through construction and the reuse of part of the structure.

“The salon retains the appearance of a garden shed and is similar is scale and appearance to an outbuilding located within the rear garden of an immediate neighbouring dwelling.”

The applictaion was conditionally approved.