An application proposing a mixed development of new housing and the redevelopment of a caravan park in Manorbier, is being recommended for refusal by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority planning officers.
The proposals submitted by Damian Brown for 16 residential units, and to replace 85 tents and tourer pitches with 85 static caravans, sewerage pumping station & associated landscaping, at Buttyland Caravan and Camping Park, Manorbier, Tenby, is set to be discussed by members of PCNPA’s development management committee at their meeting on June 6.
The application seeks planning permission for 14 affordable housing units and two open market houses.
The proposed affordable housing will be comprised of a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom two storey houses and 1 and 2 bedroom bungalows, with associated car parking and gardens.
The upgrading of the caravan park proposes changing the existing permissions on the site from 70 tourers and 15 tents to 85 static caravans, with associated landscaping.
A sewerage pumping station is also proposed along the northern boundary of the caravan site and access to this will be gained via a proposed separate access point directly off the highway.
The application site is a long established caravan site located on the eastern flank of Station Road running north toward Manorbier Station. The caravan site area straddles the Rural Centre boundary, as defined by Policy 6 of the Local Development Plan, with the eastern part of the site falling in the open countryside.
In a report set to go before the development management committee, planning officer Nicola Gandy states that the proposed development has been considered against the policies of the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) and it is considered that the development would result in an ‘insensitive and unsympathetic development’ within the National Park to the detriment of the rural landscape and the special qualities.
“Whilst, certain elements of the development are acceptable, the proposed change from 85 seasonable touring and tent pitches to 85 year-round static caravan pitches is contrary to Policies 35 and 38 of the LDP which indicate that no extensions to existing caravan sites will be permitted unless there is environmental benefit, of which this scheme is lacking,” she states.
“No material considerations have been put forward which would be considered to outweigh the clear policy position set out the adopted LDP, regarding such developments, as such, the application cannot be supported,” added Ms Gandy.
Manorbier Community Council have also objected to the application citing ‘over development’ and ‘lack of traffic impact assessment’ as the main factors.