The final stage of plans for 20 self-catering holiday lodges in the Pembrokeshire village of Johnston have been approved.

Back in May, a scheme by Peter Rawsthorne seeking permission for the short-stay lodges and associated works on land behind The Larder, Vine Road was backed by members of the county council’s planning committee.

The application, sited near a collection of single storey buildings associated with Silverdale lodge which are currently in use as temporary emergency accommodation, was recommended for delegated conditional approval.

A report for planners at the time said: “The proposal will generate some noise, odours and artificial light nuisance in comparison to a currently vacant site. Given the close proximity, at the southern end of the application site, to existing residential in Silverdale Close and Acorn Drive the Head of Housing and Public Protection has advised that a Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) should be required prior to the determination of the application to allow for the assessment of all noise emissions from the proposed development and for this to set out proposed measures of how to attenuate any noise nuisance.”

It added: “The residential occupation of the space, albeit by short-term visitors who may have less regard for existing permanent residents, is a use typical of and expected in this service centre sized settlement and could be satisfactorily absorbed. Excessive noise and anti-social behaviour are matters which can also be dealt with by other legislative controls.”

Speaking at the meeting, applicant Peter Rawsthorne, of local company Haven Systems, said the scheme would offer more security for the business, adding it would have “a positive impact” on the village and tourism in the county.

The application was given conditional approval under delegated powers, subject to the completion of a green infrastructure statement.

At the October 8 meeting of Pembrokeshire Council’s committee, members were told the statement had since been received, and planning had now been granted.