The expansion of a housing development in Penally has been refused planning permission.
Plans to add eight more homes at Penally Heights have not been given the go ahead by Pembrokeshire County Council planning officers.
Despite part of the site being part of an allocated housing area in the local development plan it also “extends west into the countryside.”
The proposal for eight open market houses “which would extend into the countryside is not justified and the proposal would not meet with the required density for developing the reminder of the housing allocation site,” the officer decision report states.
It also doesn’t “provide for the required 25 per cent affordable homes,” it adds.
An affordable housing statement included in the application documents states that a “commuted sum” would be provided by South Meadow Homes, with reference also made to “viability concerns.”
The site is steep and “presents significant engineering and commercial challenges,” a design and access statement adds, with three houses already started due to be completed alongside the eight new builds, had permission been granted.
The decision notice of refusal was issued on September 8.