Members of Kilgetty/Begelly Community Council have objected to a planning application touting a takeaway outlet for the village.

The applicants Mr and Mrs Akay and Llewellyn had the application turned down by the Local Authority back in November of last year, but have now lodged an appeal against the decision (Ref: 22/0560/PA) for a change of use of ground floor from residential accommodation (Class C3a) to hot food takeaway, together with extraction system (Class A3) at Llyniams, Carmarthen Road, Kilgetty, SA68 0YB.

The application was refused on November 24, 2022 by PCC’s planning committee for the following reasons:

The private parking spaces to the rear of the property for staff and customers along with the unlit public car park would be unattractive to potential customers. Furthermore, the application site is distanced some 400m away from the nearest public car park. On this basis, it is considered that the proposed hot food take away would, in all likelihood, result in customers' vehicles parking on double yellow lines outside of the premises, which would disrupt the free flow of traffic and have a detrimental effect on highway safety.

As a result, the application fails to demonstrate that the proposal would not unacceptably harm the living conditions of nearby residents in terms of noise and odour.

The hot food takeaway is likely to attract some customers who would behave in an inconsiderate manner and generate undue noise and disturbance late in the evening which would have a detrimental impact on the occupants of nearby residential properties at a time when they should reasonably expect some peace.

Following consideration of all the information provided by the Planning Authority Cllr Thomas proposed that Kilgetty/Begelly Community Council object to this application/appeal, citing concerns of road safety regarding parking close to a junction, as parking within the centre is a major issue, and any increase will cause further safety concerns.

The Community Council would also like to re-emphasise that parking referred to in this application (located north of the application site) is not designated public parking (and in fact is maintained and leased by the 1st Kilgetty Scout Group).

The area mentioned has no street lighting, and given the applicant has requested a late opening the safety of pedestrians walking to parked cars is further risk.

Councillors also said that the application fails to demonstrate that the proposal would not unacceptably harm the living conditions of nearby residents in terms of noise and odour.

Further concern of hygiene in relation to the proposed joint use of a barber shop and a food outlet was noted, with the takeaway likely to generate undue noise and disturbance late in the evening.

Cllr Adams seconded the proposal and all Councillors were in full agreement.