Pembrokeshire Senedd Members Paul Davies and Samuel Kurtz joined the NSPCC and their mascot Pantosaurus, on a recent visit to the Senedd in Cardiff Bay.

Pantosaurus was meeting politicians to highlight Talk Pants Day Cymru following the delivery of a children’s book to nurseries, primary schools and libraries aimed at helping to keep children safe from sexual abuse.

The Pantosaurus and the power of PANTS book is fully bilingual and aims to encourage debate between children and parents.

The Talk PANTS campaign, recognises that simple conversations can make a big difference.

To help mark Talk PANTS Day, a competition has been launched for primary aged school children and below, where schools can get creative, use Talk PANTS resources, create a Talk PANTS display, to win a goodie bag and a visit from Pantosaurus to their school.

Commenting after the meeting, Member of the Senedd for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Samuel Kurtz said: “The Talk PANTS initiative has really captured people’s imagination and enabled an important yet uncomfortable subject to be discussed in a sensitive and supportive way.

“It is up to every one of us to become alert to signs of sexual abuse and, by normalising conversations on the subject by using tools such as the Pantosaurus book and mascot, this task will have been made easier.”

Member of the Senedd for Preseli Pembrokeshire Paul Davies added: “I am pleased to support the Talk PANTS campaign and encourage parents and guardians to make use of the resources that have been made available by the NSPCC.

“I hope that all primary schools across the area enter the competition and I look forward to meeting Pantosaurus if a school in my constituency is lucky enough to win.”