A justgiving fundraiser has been set up to help a Pembrokeshire baby born with cerebral palsy visit a specialist doctor in the US, and fund equipment to assist him with his daily life.

20 month old Brodie Llew has been described by his parents Ami and Steven from Ludchurch as the most ‘handsome, funny, calm little baby you could imagine’.

“He is so brave - we are told he is often in pain, but he just keeps smiling and melts everyone’s heart that he meets,” said mum Ami Harris.

“Brodie has been through so much since the day he was born, he has now been diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. He is in daily chronic pain - but he smiles through

“Cerebral palsy cannot be taken away but there are things that can help him be more relaxed and reduce his pain.

“He can’t walk further than a couple of paces, but tries his best to do so. It’s heartbreaking to see him fall down, but he just keeps getting back up! He is a real blessing to us and everyone he meets.”

The fundraising page has been set up to raise a target of £2,500 to get little Brodie to Texas to see a world class doctor who specialises in cerebral palsy; and also buy him supporting tools to help him walk and ease his daily chronic pain.

“Life’s tough right now but we’re hoping with the help of others we can give our baby who is so happy, funny and loving the best life possible. We don’t know what the future will look like but we hope one day he may walk,” added Ami.

Anyone wishing to donate can head to the following link to donate: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/BrodieLlew?utm_term=kXAp8BnJ9