Some members of the Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen West campaign group of the WASPI 1950s Women of Wales, met with Plaid Cymru MP Ben Lake this month, at the Town Hall in Fishguard, to discuss their current situation and their plans for the coming months.

Due to the boundary changes the group were delighted that Ben was now their MP for Ceredigion Preseli, as he has supported the campaign for years and has spoken openly about the state pension scandal in the House of Commons and across all political parties.

One of the updates discussed was the Statement of Opinion tabled by Delyth Jewell Plaid Cymru SM, on July 19, before the Senedd summer recess and before the appointment of the new First Minister, Eluned Morgan, which reads as follows:

This Senedd Supports the calls for:

a) financial redress for 1950s-born women who have been negatively affected by changes in the state pension age; and

b) mediation between all 1950s women’s groups and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions as soon as possible.

Notes that:

a) the subject is complex as a result of maladministration; and

b) the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's investigation did not take into consideration direct discrimination and wiped out 10 years of maladministration.

Calls on the UK Government to consider posthumous payments after so many women have passed away before resolution of this issue.

After a very effective meeting, Mr Lake agreed to write to the new DWP Minister, Liz Kendall, inviting her to attend mediation with the leaders of all 50s women groups across the UK and will ensure that the 1950s Women of Wales, the largest group in the country, are involved in any future talks with Westminster.

The group will also be meeting with new Labour Mid and South Pembrokeshire MP Henry Tufnell soon.

Last month, following the general election, WASPI Women of Wales local organiser Jackie Gilderdale said that there could be light at the end of the tunnel, with hopes that Labour’s leader will accept an invitation for mediation talks with the leaders of all 50s Women’s Groups as soon as possible.