Refusal of a HGV park in Pembroke Dock was backed by the council’s planning committee on the grounds it will have a negative impact on a conservation area.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning committee had been minded to refuse the application at its meeting last month, but as it was against officer recommendation for approval a cooling off period was enacted for discussion of detailed planning objections.

At its meeting on Wednesday (March 16) local councillors Tony Wilcox, Brian Hall and Paul Dowson reiterated their objections to the proposal and the strength of feeling against it from the community.

Certas Energy UK wants to build its HGV parking area – with space for 17 HGV oil tankers and 18 car parking spaces as well as staff welfare building – on the Pembroke Dock site but concerns about environmental impacts, traffic problems and a detrimental effect on the town have been raised.

It had been recommended for approval by planning officers with conditions on any permission restrict it to a 20 year lifespan and include landscaping and tree protection details, site levels to be approved, visibility plans, a lighting scheme and the position and detail of boundary fencing to be approved.

Members heard that the applicant had already lodged an appeal on the grounds of “non determination” with this being the fourth time it had been discussed by the committee.

Reference in the planning report to the fact that “members may consider that the development would not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area” was considered a strong reason for refusing and a defence against any future appeal.

Clr. Hall moved an amendment that the application be refused and this was unanimously supported by the committee.