Plans to provide an outdoor gym facility at Tenby’s secondary school have been given a financial boost by local councillors.
Friends of Greenhill School are looking to purchase outdoor gym equipment for the facility, that would also be available during the evenings and weekends for use within the community.
Cllr Charles Dale said that he had experienced such ‘outdoor gyms’ in Cardiff and that they were very useful. He said if it meant opening the school up, then he was personally in favour of it.
Cllr Sue Lane said that the town council had tried for years to provide an outdoor gym as it was a super facility for anyone who can manage to use it.
The clerk pointed out that the total project cost would be £40,780 and the ‘Friends’ were seeking the 20% matchfunding.
Cllr Laurence Blackhall said that he had looked at the application further and had a discussion with the Clerk. Pembrokeshire County Council had approved the grant application but the ‘Friends’ were seeking to raise some of the money as they were still looking at shortfall.
It was resolved that a donation of £2,000 be made to the Friends of Greenhill school.