There is now a new number to contact social services in emergency situations outside normal work hours with a bilingual call centre also on hand to support residents across Pembrokeshire.

Calls to the Emergency Duty Team will be answered out of hours by Galw Gofal, a compassionate, supportive and professional service designed to assist residents during evenings, weekends and Bank holidays.

The Galw Gofal team is trained to handle a wide range of urgent social care calls.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s Emergency Duty Team are there to help people with personal, family or accommodation problems which may have reached a crisis point and cannot wait until the next working day.

This can include difficulties with children and young people, concern about a child outside your family, acute mental health problems, older or people with a disability at risk and emergency housing advice.

The Galw Gofal team will liaise with the emergency duty team and arrange contact with an experienced social worker.

A PCC spokesperson said: “It's hard to think straight when there's a crisis, and many callers can be helped by advice given over the phone.

“If you already have a social worker, the team can offer advice to help you until you can make new plans with your social worker, and can send them a message to let them know what has happened.

“If you do not have a social worker, a referral can be made to your local daytime social work team if this would help your situation,” added the spokesperson for the Local Authority.

The new out of hours emergency contact number - 0300 123 5519 - went live on Tuesday, February 18.

Anyone with concerns or issues during working hours can contact Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764551.

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