The new Labour MP for Mid and South Pembrokeshire has spent his first day at the House of Commons.

Henry Tufnell MP headed off to London on the weekend (July 8) to begin his first week representing the people of Mid and South Pembrokeshire, after becoming the first Labour MP in the county in more than a decade after defeating Conservative candidate Stephen Crabb at the General Election on July 4.

Starting his first week in parliament on Monday, July 8, Henry is focusing on establishing his constituency office to support constituents and begin working on their behalf.

He is also pushing for the opportunities that a new Labour Government will make in featuring Pembrokeshire at the heart of these policies.

In particular, Henry has stated that he will be focusing on Labour’s green prosperity plan and how Pembrokeshire can benefit from the investment and the subsequent jobs, skills, infrastructure and business investment that comes with it.

On the campaign trail, it was clear that residents want to see improvements to their lives both through economic policy and the opportunities available to them.

On his first day in parliament, Henry said: “It is an honour to be elected to represent the best constituency in the country. Pembrokeshire is a special place that often feels left behind and my job is to make sure Pembrokeshire is at the heart of government policy.

“We have a huge untapped potential in our people, resources and skills and I will be doing all that I can to make Pembrokeshire the best place to work, study and live.

“I am looking forward to establishing my constituency team to get on with the job of improving lives and being an MP for all.”

On his journey up, Henry already experienced the issue of poor public transport from rural West Wales, posting on Facebook: “Heading to London and excited to begin work as the MP for Mid and South Pembrokeshire.

“Unfortunately the journey involves no direct trains from Pembrokeshire and a delayed GWR train via Gloucester. Lots of work to be done,” he added.