Members of the Inner Wheel Club of Tenby recently celebrated another lovely year of fundraising, fun and friendship at their handover lunch held at the Giltar Hotel.

Outgoing president Joyce was congratulated on a great job, keeping order at the meetings (no easy task), representing the club at various functions and events and raising money for the numerous charities the club supports.

Her own charity for the year 2017/18 was Alzheimer’s Society and she was delighted to be able to present them with a cheque for £1,000.

Joyce then presented outgoing and incoming Executive Committee officers with their badges and finally and most importantly handed over the President’s chain to the incoming President for 2018/19, Jan Griffiths.

The next business meeting is in September and President Jan and the Executive Committee are currently busy finalising the programme for the next 12 months.

Jan’s charity for her year is Wales Air Ambulance.