A play illustrating the early life of the artist Augustus John in Tenby was presented at Tenby Museum and Art Gallery on July 30 to an appreciative invited audience. 'The Tenby of My Memories', a play in three acts, traced the development of the young Augustus from childhood to adolescence in Tenby during the 1880s and early 1890s. The play portrayed the artist in old age in the 1950s, towards the end of his life, reminiscing about his younger days, in preparation for the writing of his autobiography which he later published. The role of Augustus John was taken by well known amateur actor Laurie Dale, who is no stranger to the character, having played the artist during his 'Augustus John Walks' in Tenby, prepared by the museum, which first began in 1998. The mixture of humour and pathos with which the artist remembered his childhood preoccupations, his family, in particular his authoritarian father and his artistic elder sister Gwen, was very well received by the audience. 'The Tenby of My Memories' was adapted by John Beynon from 'Chiaroscuro', autobiographical fragments by Augustus John, published in 1954 and was presented as a part of Tenby Museum's 'Victorian Week'.