Mid and South Pembrokeshire Green candidate James Purchase was walking the long-distance pilgrim trail to Santiago de Compostela in Spain when the election was declared.

There is a now a six-way local battle for the seat at the general election on July 4.

“I was eating a pilgrim’s meal with my wife, Carolyn, when I heard someone mumble in Spanish something about ‘Sunak’ – whilst pointing at their phone and looking at us,” said James.

“We are walking the long-distance pilgrim trail to Santiago de Compostela in Spain and our fellow peregrines knew us to be from Walesland!

“I immediately guessed what was afoot and my online news feed confirmed my horror. I feel certain that Rishi Sunak waited until I was out of the country before calling the election! What other reason could there be – as everyone said it would be an Autumn election?

“However, his plan has been foiled as we have an excellent Pembrokeshire Green Party Committee looking after things whilst I’m away and I shall be back as fast as my little legs will carry me…literally!”

The other candidates are: Alistair Cameron (Welsh Liberal Democrat), Stephen Crabb (Conservatives), Stuart Marchant (Reform UK), Cris Tomos (Plaid Cymru) and Henry Tufnell (Labour).