‘Kiln Park’ near Tenby one of Wales’ busiest holiday sites - has confirmed that a member of its staff has tested positive for Coronavirus.

In a statement released on Wednesday, he holiday park managed by Haven Holidays, which is sited in Penally and owned by Bourne Leisure Ltd, have revealed that the member of staff tested positive for Covid-19 after returning from a holiday abroad, and is now self isolating.

A spokesperson for the company said: “Following a recent holiday to a non-quarantine area, a member of our Kiln Park team informed us that they had contracted Covid-19.

“On receipt of the news, we took all necessary measures in line with the Government’s Track and Trace to ensure that any risk was minimised straight away.

“The team member in question self-isolated immediately and we requested tests for anyone they had been in contact with – both close contact and other team members.We do not believe there is any further risk at this stage.”

The company have also stated that a significant number of other ‘Team Members’ who who were deemed as ‘close contacts’ to the case have all been tested as negative, and will remain isolated until the designated time.

“We are pleased to confirm that all additional tests came back negative and as a result, do not believe there to be any further risk to anyone who has visited Kiln Park, or due to visit in the coming days,” they continued.

“The safety of our guests, owners and team remains our number one priority and despite the negative results, all tested team members will continue to self-isolate at home as a safety precaution.

“We understand that this may be unsettling for our guests and owners but would like to reassure them that our park remains safe and operational with strictly followed protocols covering hygiene, social distancing and PPE firmly in place.

“Should future guests have any concerns about their upcoming breaks, they will be covered by our Coronavirus Book with Confidence Guarantee which allows them to cancel their break up to three days ahead of arrival should it be affected by coronavirus and receive a full refund,” added the spokesperson.

The news comes as holidaymakers are being reminded by the Welsh Government to follow quarantine rules when they return to Wales from abroad to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Clusters of positive cases have been reported in Wales stemming from people returning from holidays who did not self-isolate for 14-days as required.

More cases like this could increase the rate of transmission in Wales and put some of the most vulnerable people at risk of infection.

It is the responsibility of travelers to check if they are required to self-isolate when they return to Wales, as the list is subject to change at any time.

The latest information is available here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-corridors

Health Minister, Vaughan Gething, said: “Wales currently has very low community transmission rates of Covid-19 and it is important we keep it that way so we can keep the new freedoms we have introduced.

“The 14-day quarantine rule is in place for people returning from certain countries that have higher transmission rates. It is vital anyone coming back from these countries self-isolates and if they develop symptoms to get tested.

“The thoughtless behaviour of a few can put some of most vulnerable people at risk of infection.

“Thanks to the co-operation and sacrifices of the Welsh public we have managed to control the spread of the virus here. But we cannot get complacent and it’s important everyone continues to follow the guidance, maintain social distancing and wash hands regularly.”

Travelers should check out the latest advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office before traveling and before returning home.

The latest advice can be found here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus#covid-19-travel-guidance