In a twist of days of old, the High Sheriff of Dyfed, David Pryse Lloyd, has gathered a band of merry men and women to help those in need. His team are gathering promises of volunteers, goods and services like paint and machinery-hire from local businesses and individuals to help community organisations tackle projects in September.
The projects they want to help with could be anything practical, from painting a youth group's premises to clearing waste ground around a school to building an access ramp for a village hall.
As well as looking for projects to do, the team wants to hear from anyone who could help tackle a project, whether by volunteering or by offering goods and services.
South Hook LNG and Milford Haven Port Authority have already pledged both people and resources which will go a long way in helping a number of projects, but more help is needed.
Said David: "There are dozens and dozens of people giving time to do things like maintain village halls, run youth groups and generally make our towns and villages into real communities and great places to live. Many have useful projects they would like to tackle, but they don't have the resources. I aim to use the office of High Sheriff to persuade businesses to support such projects. September will be the month when we will help voluntary groups to really make a difference - and have fun helping them! South Hook LNG and Milford Haven Port Authority were the first to offer support, but other businesses are promising to do their bit. September will be Go M.A.D. - Go Make A Difference month!"
If you have a community project that could benefit from the Go M.A.D. treatment, send in an 'Expression of Interest' form by Friday, July 9. The High Sheriff's team will then do all they can to find the resources you need and let you know the outcome by August 13.
Forms can be obtained from the Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services website"> or by either emailing or phoning Maureen on [email protected]">[email protected] and 01834 891534.
Get set to Go M.A.D in September, and look out for the new"> coming soon!