Pembrokeshire County Council have been criticised over a ‘complete lack of’ consultation with County Councillors and Community Councils after agreeing to stage next year’s Ironman Wales event at the tail end of the school holidays.

The fall out over the decision to bring forward the sporting triathlon in 2023 by a week to September 3, has continued this week, with Tenby’s county councillor for the North Ward Cllr Michael Williams slamming the local authority over a lack of discussions with local elected members.

Members of Tenby Harbour Users Association (THUA) stated last week that the triathlon organisers and PCC had ‘shot themselves in the foot’ by holding the sporting event earlier, with questions asked as to whether this will bring as much benefit to the local economy.

“A lack of any stakeholder engagement will be challenged once these events encroach on the vital peak tourist season,” said a spokesperson for THUA.

“Ironman is arguably still of some benefit to the town during the shoulder season - it is not however of any benefit once this encroaches on what is a relatively short peak season, displacing high value destination tourism with event/sport tourism - two very different spend patterns.”

PCC have confirmed that the original date planned for the 2023 Ironman Wales event was September 10. However, due to ‘available tides’ and ‘other factors’ the date subsequently settled on was September 3, with the local authority stating that this was the only date available in 2023.

“Pembrokeshire County Council appreciates that the date of September 3 is not ideal and feedback has been provided to Ironman Wales to be considered for future event planning to ensure the date avoids the school holidays period,” said a spokesperson.

“Ironman Wales has been successfully hosted in Pembrokeshire since 2011. This year’s event was the 10th time the event has been held locally and there has been overwhelmingly positive feedback.

“We look forward to welcoming Ironman Wales and the many thousands of competitors and spectators once again in September, 2023,” they added.

Cllr Williams has now contacted PCC and asked that the views of all affected members is sought, as well as the Community Councils as a ‘matter of urgency’.

“It does appear the tail now wags the dog, with little if any consideration given to the views of those most effected by the event,” he remarked.

“I support the Ironman event, but it must be borne in mind that they are a commercial company that makes a huge amount of money from this event, and there is a cost to the community as well as commercial benefits.

“September 3 is totally unacceptable as it is in peak season and accommodation will be very limited. I am also concerned about the inevitable congestion which will be almost impossible to manage.

“To use the tides as a reason for the change is not acceptable as tidal ranges change every two weeks!” he added.