Pembrokeshire County Council are to introduce double yellow lines on a busy strip of road coming into Tenby to alleviate what has been labelled ‘indiscriminate’ parking.

As part of the local authority’s proposals to change waiting restrictions on various roads across the county, proposals to introduce ’no waiting at any time’ restrictions touted for a section of Narberth Road, came before members of Tenby Town Council at their meeting this month.

The double yellow lines would be introduced on the north side of Narberth Road, from the junction by the roundabout, east to its junction with the access to property known as Tanglewood, covering a distance of 35 metres.

PCC has proposed the changes stating that they would remove indiscriminate parking and visibility issues near Narberth Road roundabout.

Discussing the proposals with his fellow members, Cllr Paul Rapi said it was a shame that the restrictions didn’t continue on the other side, as he felt the parking would be displaced to that side of the road.

Cllr Laurence Blackhall agreed that this had been a problem area for a while, and it was good that the problem had finally been recognised. Councillors elected to support the proposal by PCC.