Visitors from far and wide have again been welcomed to the Festival of Memorial Posies ‘In Loving Memory’, which took place in St. Mary’s Church, Tenby, from Thursday, June 28, to Sunday, July 1 (writes G.D.).
Over 260 yellow and white Memorial Posies decorated pew ends and panels, with window arrangements and flower stands beautifully displayed throughout the church. Each floral arrangement was named and dedicated ‘In Loving Memory’ to family members and friends.
The festival was first staged in 1998 when the Rector at St. Mary’s was Rev. David Jenkins. His wife, Ellen, came up with the original idea and in that first year around 20 posies were made and displayed. It has become an annual event and an important part of not just floral art, but also a significant act of remembrance in our church.
Posies are arranged over three days prior to the festival by a wonderfully enthusiastic group of volunteers. Window displays and stands are prepared by the very talented group of ladies responsible for church flowers. In addition to the Flower Ladies, ‘Tom’s team’ are responsible for hooks and labels in church.
The Posy Team would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the festival, particularly the church stewards and the sponsors of the memorial posies, stands and windows. Special appreciation is expressed to the wonderful group of volunteers and floral artists who arranged and distributed the flowers, without whom the Posy Festival would not be possible.
A wonderful additional contribution was made this year when The Griffon Choir staged a concert on the opening night of the festival. Visitors and residents were treated to a splendid musical event, with all of the ticket sales being donated to the posy fund.
During the concert, impressive performances were given by an extremely talented young clarinettist/saxophonist, James Crowney-Richards, accompanied by St. Mary’s Choir Master, Mark Thompson. Throughout the festival visitors were entertained by a variety of musicians who kindly performed in support of our charities. These were organist, John Richards, of Cardiff, Sound Waves Choir, young pianist, OliverMackie and Veronica Dyde, a local organist.
The committee wish to offer heartfelt thanks to all the musicians for the superb support their presentations have contributed.
On the closing evening of the Posy Festival, a special Songs of Praise service was held at St. Mary’s. This was not only to mark the 20th anniversary of the festival, but also to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of St. Mary’s Handbell Ringers, who performed at the service. St. Mary’s Choir were in fine voice throughout the service, contributing several moving choral presentations and accompanying the hymns, all of which were especially chosen for the service by a variety of church members.
This year, the two charities receiving 50 per cent each of the monies raised will be Diabetes UK and SNAP Cymru. Presentation will be made to these two charities on Sunday, September 2, at the benefice service at St. Mary’s Church.