The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has resorted to the unprecedented step of erecting two temporary information signs on land at Upper Burrows in Freshwater East where protected trees were felled and abandoned.

In 2017 more than 30 trees in a woodland protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and owned by the Authority and a local resident, were illegally cut down.

Park Authority Director of Park Direction and Planning, Jane Gibson said: “This is the worst breach of a TPO I have encountered, with felling on land that didn’t belong to the perpetrator, and the Authority is left to undertake remedial work to selectively clear, coppice and replant the site at significant cost.”

Park Authority Countryside Manager (South) Tim Jones said: “Nobody would have commissioned such work unless they stood to benefit from it, and the police are continuing to investigate, but we need more evidence.

“The bilingual advertisement will highlight the criminal act at the site of the felling in the Upper Burrows area of Freshwater East and will provide details of the £1,000 reward for information.

“If you know who might have done this or commissioned the work, please contact Dyfed-Powys Police on 101 or the Authority on 01646 624800.”

For more information on trees in Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, including an interactive map of TPOs, please visit