Services continue every Sunday afternoon at 4.15pm in Carringtons Restaurant, Tenby. All are welcome.
Last Sunday, Mick Quirk gave the message, concentrating on the message given by the Angel Gabriel to Mary that she would give birth to the Saviour, the promised Messiah.
"How can this be?" asked Mary, not yet married. The answer was the same in essence as that given to many others called by God: "I will be with you." Mary's humble response inspired a song for the service: 'May it be to me according to your word.'
The pastor, Rev. Peter Richmond, continued his series on miraculous births this Sunday with the account of how the birth of John the Baptist was promised to Zechariah, an aged priest. His wife, Elizabeth, had been barren and was past childbearing age, but despite the social stigma of this, it was clear that Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous.
It was a big day for the priest when the angel visited him, for it was his allotted time to burn incense in the temple. Temporarily struck dumb in response to his unbelief, Zechariah remained faithful, and when John was named and his voice was enabled once more, he used it for praising God.
Elizabeth's delight at Mary's news shows the selflessness of a woman more eager for the coming of the Messiah than for the birth of her own son, whose role was to 'prepare the way.' The service was complemented by a selection of contemporary Christmas songs.
Mid-week Bible studies have been focusing on Paul's letter to the Ephesian church.
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