Members and friends enjoyed a splendid Christmas meal together in Carringtons Restaurant, Tenby, followed by a carol service, mince pies and coffee. For his Christmas message, the pastor, Rev. Peter Richmond, pointed out that nowhere in the Bible is it written that Jesus was born in a stable behind an inn! All the gospels say is that the baby was laid in a manger and wrapped in swaddling bands, because there was no room in the inn. How did the shepherds or kings know where to go to visit the Saviour if that is all the information they had? There is a clue in Micah 4:8 - "As for you, O watchtower of the flock... the former dominion will be restored to you; kingship will come to the Daughter of Jerusalem." Immediately afterwards is a prophecy concerning the ruler who was to come from Bethlehem. 'Watchtower of the flock' is a translation of Migdal Edar, a place on the edge of the city of Bethlehem where Rachel had died and was buried. The place had a very special purpose: "Migdal Edar was the watchtower that guarded the flocks that were being raised to serve as sacrificial animals in the temple," explained Peter. "It was used for birthing ewes, and the surrounding fields were where these shepherds grazed their flocks. They brought the ewes in to deliver their lambs in a ceremonially clean stable to give birth in and care for them. These lambs were apparently wrapped in 'swaddling cloths' to protect them from injury." The remains of an inn have been found near the site of Migdal Edar. Could this have been the real birthplace of Jesus, the 'Lamb of God' who was destined to die on the same day that the lambs were slain ready for Passover? If so, it explains how the swaddling bands and manger were enough of a sign to guide the shepherds directly to the new-born King. The fellowship wish everyone a merry Christmas and thank the staff at the restaurant for making the meal so enjoyable - and for their support throughout the year. The next Hesed service will take place on December 31 at 4.15 pm in Carringtons. Telephone 01646 681805 for details of other meetings.