How are people accessing the health board consultation if they’re not online, Hywel Dda has been asked.
Hywel Dda University Health Board met on Thursday (May 31) and were asked a question by Jacqueline Doig from Pembrokeshire.
“How are Hywel Dda getting the information about the consultation, the questionnaire and the drop-in events to those who are not online? How re they to know about these? Are there posters and consultation documents and questionnaires in surgeries, care homes or somewhere?” she asked.
In a written answer fromtransformation director Libby Ryan Davies, the board was told that a mix of online and traditional methods of engagement was planned for to reach as many people as possible.
“Since the consultation has been formally launched, it has been promoted widely using local newspapers and local radio as well as social media,” said Mrs. Ryan Davies.
She added: “We have shared information about the consultation and/or consultation documents in both electronic and hard copy format with a wide range of our stakeholders eg local authorities, local colleges, town and community councils, libraries, youth groups, third sector, Clych Meithrin, Merched y Wawr, league of friends, day centres, family centres, parent and toddler groups, specific interest groups etc for wider dissemination amongst their networks and we offer to provide additional documents as and when requested.
“Copies of the documents are available at various locations, including our main hospitals, community hospitals, clinics, a range of community settings including doctors surgeries, opticians, pharmacies, libraries, Pembrokeshire Council County hall or by calling 01554 899 056.
“We are continuing to work with community representatives including local politicians and pressure groups to disseminate information more widely.
“We are also working closely with seldom heard groups in settings they are most comfortable in to ensure their voices are heard and listened to enabling people to have access to the information to make informed choices.”
Hywel Dda recently defended a decision to use targeted focus groups via the company collating the consultation information Opinion Research Services (ORS).
Members of the public questioned why some people were being contacted by ORS to take part in discussions and were also offered payment to cover expenses.
Hywel Dda said independent focus groups were being used to collate evidence from as wide a cross section of the regions demographics as possible.
“The payment of participant incentives for focus groups is standard industry good practice to thank people for giving up often significant periods of their time and to cover any expenses they may incur in coming along. Also, on a consultation level, they ensure an easier recruitment process and help prevent ‘on-the-day’ drop-outs insofar as they provide a stimulus/motivation to attend,” a statement added.
The consultation runs until July 12.