Tuesday, January 24 2023 was a sad day when a much respected and dedicated member of Dragon LNG’s Community Liaison Committee was lost.

Mr Geoff Wilson, a CLC member and friend, recently officially mounted a plaque on the new Dragon donated ‘happy to chat’ bench in Waterston in memory of dearly missed friend, Mrs Judith Wilson.

With her love of plants, Dragon also installed a planter next to the bench and also a Christmas tree and wreath.

Karen Wood, External Relations and Social Performance Manager at Dragon said: “Judith really was one of a kind and I am delighted we could provide this community donation to her memory. She really was dedicated to the committee and would always come to each meeting well prepared.

“She was always the last at any Dragon event making sure she contributed in her giving way.

“I remember fondly her kindness to Dragon and myself over many years and I truly miss her. Thank you, Judith, for your support – you have left a big hole and I hope our community enjoy sitting and chatting on your bench.”