The Saundersfoot watercolour artists are showing their work again, this time in the hall at St. Issell’s Church, Saundersfoot.
There are over 60 original framed paintings hung on the walls, as well as hand-painted cards and printed cards and unframed paintings on show and for sale.
The work is by the students of Yvonne Mannings, of the Apple Tree Gallery, The Ridgeway, Saundersfoot, and is on in the hall at St. Issell’s at the same time as the flower displays by all the local organisations on show in the church.
Teas and coffees are also being served whilst the flowers are on show.
So you’ll not only see some glorious flowers, but also some lovely paintings of flowers, and you’ll notice that even if several people have painted the same vase of flowers or the same still-life study or scene, each one will be different, because each artist has a different style of painting or a different viewpoint.
The flower festival is on until tomorrow (Saturday) and the painting exhibition until August 24.