Flashing speed signs are being considered for the Narberth area.

At this month’s meeting of the Town Council, the clerk told members that she had received an email from a resident asking for an update on a request for a flashing speed sign to be installed by the 20mph speed limit at Station Road, and also for the Go-Safe van to visit the locality.

The Clerk said that she had contacted Go-Safe who reported that they were still in the process of reviewing all of their sites; and once they have more of an update, they will be in touch.

The information has been passed on to the resident concerned.

As mentioned by County Councillor Elwyn Morse, the clerk had also contacted Templeton Community Council’s clerk for more information as they are also looking into these digital speed signs.

She informe councillors that she had also emailed the Llawhaden clerk for information on the solar signs in Robeston Wathen, but unfortunately, had not yet received any reply.

It was resolved that the Town Council will wait to see what is happening about the 20mph zones for the locality before considering purchasing any of the digital signage discussed.