Local councillors and business owners have welcomed plans for a new 24hr cash point for Tenby, following concerns that the seaside town could be left with just one ATM ahead of busy peak holiday periods.
With more and more ATM’s disappearing throughout the town in recent years, and with the fewer ATM’s often running out of cash on busy weekends, concerns had been raised by businesses in Tenby that the re-supply doesn’t match the town’s peak visitor times, with some businesses requiring cash payments only.

Lloyds TSB, Nat West and Santander have all departed Tenby in recent years, and with Barclays closing its branch a year ago, meaning the loss of another cashpoint for the town, and HSBC announcing that it will soon close in Tudor Square too, it would leave the town with just one outside ATM located at Tesco Express.
Among planning applications considered by Tenby Town Council at their meeting this month, for recommendation to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority was the proposed installation of an ATM to be installed in the shopfront central lobby at the Evans Seafront Pharmacy, situated at 6 High Street.
The cashpoint will be located through the glazed window to the left of the entrance door as a through glass installation.

The planning application (NP/23/0606/FUL & NP/23/0607/ADV) will see the ATM fascia with illuminated ATM sign and non-illuminated top sign, and include white lettering ‘free cash withdrawals’ and a Euronet Logo out of blue and yellow background.
Approval for the application was recommended by Tenby councillors who welcomed the introduction of a new ATM in the town.
“The recessed position makes it less prominent within the Conservation area - that said, members felt that the proposed internally illuminated signage is not only of too big a scale, but the internal illumination is contrary to the predisposition against such signage within the Conservation Area. Councillors would welcome external illumination,” said a spokesperson for the Town Council.
The Executive Committee of Tenby Civic Society have also backed the application.
“The 24hour ATM is a welcome addition to the few in the town, with HSBC’s ATM to close and Barclays gone,” said Harry Gardiner from the Civic Society.
On the plans itself, Mr Gardiner went onto say: “We feel an internally illuminated top panel is unnecessary as it and the ATM could be externally illuminated like all other signs in Tenby centre. The applicant is clearly not aware that internal illumination is not approved.

“The Top sign at 700 x 300 is rather large – revision to better match the design width of the ATM would be welcome.
“Its recessed position is less prominent than other ATMs so it will fit well with the Conservation Area especially if amendments are met.
“We note the report stating ‘the frequency of use is unknown’ - could they be informed that experience in the town is that these ATMs often run out of cash at the weekends in the holiday season every year,” he added.