Fancy cleaning up your local area but don’t have the right kit?

There are more than 200 Litter Picking Hubs open across Wales, offering all the equipment you need to carry out a safe clean-up to keep your local area loved and cared for. The kit includes litter pickers, hi-vis vests, rubbish bags, and hoops for keeping bags open in breezy conditions. You can borrow what you need for free from the Tenby Town Council Office in the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street.

All ‘borrowers’ are provided with health and safety guidance and must fill out a quick risk assessment and sign a litter picking loan agreement. You must also return loaned items by the agreed date in their original condition. Any breakages or losses may need to be paid for and borrowers are expected to notify the hub of any theft, loss or damage as soon as possible to reduce the risk of disruption to other borrowers.

You can leave the litter you collect in the special bags provided beside a public bin and the Town Council can inform the County Council Waste department, who will pick it up on their regular rounds.

You can litter pick on your own or with friends. You can borrow equipment for a period of time or just for the day. Fit it in around your another activities, a little bit of time from a lot of people soon adds up!