The following events are taking place over the next week in the village of Llanteg…
Friday, March 24 - Llanteg & Amroth Renaturing Talk at Llanteg Hall, 7pm. Speaker is Ant Rogers. Title ‘The Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership and a Spotlight on Successful Projects’. Supporters £2, non-members £3. Refreshments provided. There will be a raffle to boost funds.
Saturday, March 25 - Change to Monthly Coffee Morning: For this month the Village Coffee Morning /FREE Breakfast is changing to a Saturday. The event will be held at Llanteg Hall, 10.30-12noon on Saturday, March 25. This will include free breakfast items including bacon sandwiches, sausage baps, hot croissants and pains au chocolat. There will also be fruit juices and a food themed raffle. Contact Carol Lander, [email protected]
Sunday, March 26 - Llanteg Walking Group’s Community Walk at Llangwm, led by Nigel Bailey. Please contact Jill Roberts, 831142 [email protected] for further details.
Wednesday, March 29 - Llanteg Gardening Group Talk with Carole and Peter Whittaker, organised by Glyn Bach, Llangolman. 7pm at Llanteg Hall, £3 entry. Contact [email protected]