After four sell-out concerts already this year, Burnett’s Hill Chapel near Martletwy will be hoping for another full house for the visit of Canadian multi-instrumentalist and singer Teilhard Frost - pictured at last year’s Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival.

Teilhard Frost will be performing at Martletwy, Pembrokeshire on Tuesday, August 6. His visit to Pembrokeshire is the only Welsh date on a a high-profile tour of Britain that also includes appearances at Sidmouth Folk Festival and the Wilderness Festival in Oxfordshire.

Having spent nearly 20 years as front-man of rag-time jug band Sheesham, Lotus and Son, Teilhard has been busy forging a new career as a musical instrument maker and solo performer, specialising in traditional Appalachian old-time music.

Teilhard’s latest solo recording, ‘Four and Twenty Blackbirds Dancing on a Deer Skin’, is a collection of traditional music found in the Appalachian highlands. The songs have their roots in the folk music of the British Isles, while the fiddle tunes draw on Scandinavian and northern Scottish sources.

The concert starts at 7.30pm and tickets are available from 01646 651725.