Pembroke Castle’s Picnic Prayer and Praise is something of a ‘dream come true’ for Baptist Pastor Rob James.

“It’s hard to believe,” he said “but what was the germ of an idea is rapidly growing into an annual event that is clearly meeting a real need and in so doing enjoying the blessing of God.

“This will be our third Picnic Prayer and Praise,” he explained. There would have been others if we had not been interrupted by Covid. But nothing daunted Christians from all over the county turned out in their hundreds last year even though it was announced at short notice. They seem to love singing and fellowshipping together and I am sure this year will no exception. I dare to think we might top the 1,000 mark this September the interest being shown to date. I know of one church which is situated quite some distance away for example that plans to close for the day in order to join us

Rob continued: “Once again I must express my thanks to all who are proving so helpful not least the Manager and the Trustees of the Castle whose generosity and support are exceptional. I am thankful to the three local church groups who will be giving of their gifting and time to help us worship together in what must be one of the most beautiful castles in Wales too.

“Last year’s event exceeded our expectations, and it was so good to have our Korean brothers and sisters from London with us. Their prayers, their musical input and their fan dance will live long in the memory and I wait to see how they intend to contribute this year. The one thing I can guarantee is fervent prayer. They pray for our community regularly and with great faith and we are so thankful for them. And of course I am thrilled that Cardiff based worship group ‘Sound of Wales will be joining us’ again. They are a very special group of people and are having a real impact in various parts of Wales. As in previous years we expect them to bring our day to a joyful climax.”

Event details

• Sunday, September 18.

• Free entry 12noon to 5pm.

• Freewill offering to cover expenses.

• Worship led by Sound of Wales and local churches.

• Restaurant open, please bring your own chairs.

For more details contact Pastor Rob James email rjames2954@btinternet/com .