Vision Theatre Company’s sellout performances of The Vagina Monologues last week not only raised awareness of the experience - positive and negative - of women across the world - but also raised funds for a support project based here in Pembrokeshire.

The charity Action for Children works with girls and women aged between 12 and 21 to build their confidence and self-esteem - many of whom are vulnerable and have experienced, or are at risk from, domestic violence or abuse. Women and Children Together arranges bespoke plans to help these individuals make better choices for their future.

Creative Director of Vision Arts Drew Baker said: “The Vagina Monologues is an important and powerful piece that demonstrates just some of the issues that women face, told with humour and passion - Vision Theatre Company really did the play justice - and we are all delighted that the audiences loved their performances and embraced its central themes by supporting the Women and Girls project.”

Vikki Phillips, from Action for Children’s Women and Girls Together project said: “We are so pleased to have local companies supporting the work we do, this donation will support social activities for the young people who access our service so they can have much needed breaks and support when needed.

“Vision Arts shares a similar passion for supporting young people and we look forward to working with them in the future.”

The Vagina Monologues, written by Eve Ensler, is a series of stories, reflecting on the various experiences of women, the good - and the very bad - and is closely associated with V-Day - the worldwide campaign to raise awareness of violence against women.

The monologues are delivered in a way that leaves no emotion untouched and the actors from Vision Theatre Company received a rapturous response from their audiences - with standing ovations for each performance at Boulevard Theatre, Milford Haven.

This week, Terri Harrison, director of Vision Theatre Company’s production of The Vagina Monologues, met with Vikki Phillips to hand over the proceeds of bucket collections made on behalf of the charity at the end of each of the shows.