Pembroke and District Male Voice Choir signed off a very busy first half of the year before the August break with two warm summer evening concerts in three days. 

A large congregation greeted the choir at St John’s Church, Templeton. Soloists were first tenor Peter Halifax, accompanying himself on guitar, and flautist Alyson Griffiths, and Alyson joined MC Matthew John for a warmly applauded duet. 

The choir was thanked by newly appointed Rector, Father Robert Moore, who presented floral baskets to Musical Director Juliet Rossiter, guest Accompanist Heather Williams, from Carmarthen Choir, and Alyson. Refreshments were afterwards enjoyed at the village hall. 

Musical delights awaited choristers at Lamphey Village Hall as they shared the stage with two hugely gifted singers, Pembrokeshire-based cousins Mared Phillips and Ffion Harries. 

Mared and Ffion each sang two individual pieces before joining in a delightful duet. They were accompanied by Mared’s mother, Anthea Phillips, who is also Ffion’s aunt. 

Choristers, too, were in fine form under Juliet’s direction and this time the guest accompanist was Elaine Robins, of Llandovery Choir. Pembroke choir is seeking a new accompanist following recent retirement. 

Principal soloist Alyson Griffiths excelled again with ‘On My Own’ and one of her favourite pieces, ‘Stranger On The Shore’. Finale was ‘American Trilogy’, the choir ranks swelled by Tenby Male Voice and Cor Meibion de Cymru singers and by former Pembroke first tenor David Holt. 

The concert was organised by Pembroke Farmers’ Club and the welcome was by club member and choir baritone Ed Morris. Members of South Pembrokeshire YFC provided excellent refreshments and they were thanked by choir chairman Huw Morgan. 

Next concert is at St John’s Church, Tenby, on September 10.