The Party in the Park in Pembroke certainly proved to be a popular event with so many families coming together to enjoy what turned out to be a lovely community occasion in the summer sunshine.

Saturday May 20 marked the official opening of the Green Park Pembroke, an event that was originally planned for the Coronation Bank Holiday Monday, but postponed because of adverse weather conditions. 

However, on Saturday the sun shone and residents were able to celebrate with a truly enjoyable party to mark the occasion.

Pembroke Mayor Cllr Aden Brin officially opened the Park and called on Linda Asman, Town Councillor for the Pembroke North ward, to give the vote of thanks. She had long campaigned for improvements to the Park and, working with the community group Green Park Pembroke, particularly with Lucy Brazier, Louise Burgin and Jade Grey, raised the necessary funding to purchase the play equipment to suit all ages and abilities.

Working closely with Pembroke Town Council, application was made to Pembrokeshire County Council’s Enhancing Pembrokeshire Fund (second homes tax) and thanks were extended to PCC Officers Sinead O’Henehen, Kevin Shales, Neil McCarthy for their assistance and to County Cllr Jon Harvey who worked closely with the group. The Mayor remarked that the whole project was a good example of County, Town Council and community working together.

Other funders contributed and grateful thanks were extended to Stephen Thornton of Valero, to the Co-op represented by Abi Marriott, and to Darren Briggs of the Ascona Group, represented on this occasion by Becky Jones. The Ascona group also very generously donated free drinks and snacks for the children.

Following the official ceremony, all present were able to enjoy a party in the park with entertainment provided by Messy Church Crafts, Parkour demonstrations and workshops with Mike Newman, Children’s Yoga with Caris Jones, Face Painting by Tara Jenkins, Henna Art by Layla Fae together with a bouncy castle, ice cream and refreshment by Romy’s Pembrokeshire. Music was provided by Neil Thomas to complete the festive atmosphere.