Haverfordwest High’s ‘Tenors with change’ are heading to Birmingham this summer to perform in the Music for Youth National Finals.

The male harmony vocal group competed in the regional rounds earlier this year and were delighted to hear that they had been selected to advance to the National finals.

The group will perform at The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Centre which is in the heart of the city.

They performed together for the first time just 8 months ago when they were placed runners up at Pembrokeshire School’s Music festival. Since then, they have gone from strength to strength and now ambitiously sing in up to 4-part harmony.

The boys are all accomplished instrumentalists as well as talented singers. They perform in many different groups and enjoy an eclectic mix of musical styles and experiences.

The boys have considered their repertoire carefully for the performance and their diverse programme consists of a Blues/Rock classic, traditional Barbershop and a Welsh anthem to finish.

“We are absolutely delighted that the boys will have this experience,” said Lisa Shelmerdine Richards, Teacher of Music at Haverfordwest High.

“It was a challenge persuading them to sing and initially they were quite reluctant to say the least. They soon fully embraced the idea and it didn’t take long before they were performing to a high level and singing with confidence.

“They are all excellent musicians and vocal harmonies came so naturally to them. All the hard work has now paid off and they have been rewarded with this success and incredible opportunity to perform at the National finals of one of Europe’s largest Music Festivals.”

It’s a busy time for the boys as many of them are also involved in Haverfordwest High’s production of Grease the Musical which is taking part that same first week in July. Information regarding tickets, which are now on sale, is available via Haverfordwest High’s social media platforms.

In the interim, we wish the boys every success as they prepare for their exciting performance at the National Finals on July 5.