Results in the The Great St Florence Potato Challenge 2023 are now in - and the total raised is more than £1,500!
On March 4, those who registered for the challenge were given a bucket, seed potato and sheet with rules and instructions. There were two categories: largest number and heaviest crop and three classes: St Florence School, Child or Adult. There would be an additional prize for the overall heaviest crop.
The Grand Weigh In on Saturday, July 15 took place, despite the poor weather. There was a last minute change of venue for the riddling from the church yard to Grandiflora Garden Centre. Here, a large glass house was offered as protection against the elements.

Buckets and potatoes were then taken to St Florence Church for the results.

Tea and cakes were available and ‘Relax with Sax’ provided background music which created a great atmosphere and sense of anticipation. The Church was full and Walter Simon did an excellent job as judge and officiator.
There were some incredible results this year. There was a tie for the largest number of potatoes in the Adult Class: Penny Mackenzie and Hefina Lewis had 99 each! Gill Balding became the Champion with the heaviest crop of 3218g.

The winners in the children’s class for the largest number were Isaac and Archie with 62 and Kate had the heaviest crop with 2040g. The three St. Florence School buckets also had excellent results.

It was a fantastic effort by everyone who made it to the day of reckoning.
Sadly, owing to the weather, the teddy bear drop and Tower tours had to be postponed.

With the generous support of sponsors Puffin Produce Ltd/Blas y Tir (potatoes and prizes), represented by Abigail Meyrick and Charlie Felstead; Birt and Co (buckets and stickers) represented by Giles Birt and JB Roofing (rosettes), represented by Jon Brace, a magnificent sum of £1,555 was raised for St. Florence Church.
A huge thank you goes to all sponsors, entrants and volunteers.