Small World Theatre is excited to present the acclaimed puppet show, ‘Breathe’ by Half a String on February 1. This is a chance to enjoy Cardigan’s first live theatre entertainment of the year.

Starting at 2pm, Breathe is a two OffIES Award 2023 nominated theatre show about the ways trees work and finding space in a busy community. Using intricate puppetry and ground-breaking live camera work, the story immerses the audience and captures the imagination of the whole family.

Half a String uses puppetry, design and original music to craft fantastical human stories that are grounded in live performance. They combine their signature style of stunning visuals, captivating storytelling, with folk songs from Avi Simmons, and thumping Drum & Bass from Suitman Jungle, to create a truly unique experience.

The story follows a ‘Seedling’ puppet as they hatch from an acorn and experience a hectic forest to learn about the forest’s rhythms, weird, wonderful plants, and fungi, and find a connection in this strange new world.

“A breathtakingly intricate and exciting trip to the forest floor and beyond, with superb tech, polished performances, and evocative music. It will have the whole family curious and captivated.” - Little Angel Theatre.

Recommended for ages 5+. Doors and bar open at 1.30pm.

Tickets are available through Small World's website.