Cardigan’s Small World Theatre is delighted to welcome Ushti Baba performing live next Friday evening, March 21, supported by DJ Miss Mitten.

Describing themselves as a raging folk group fusing hypnotic melodies with modern dance rhythms, their music invites you to move, twirl and hop, while their lyrics have messages to tell, like their new tracks “Pas de Passport” and “Rootless” which will be part of their new album coming out in the Autumn.

With heavy beatbox, wild fiddle, soaring trumpet, an energetic thrill-filled musical journey takes you from familiar lands to the beyond and back. Ushti Baba deliver a fierce fresh perspective while paying warm tribute to their trad folk roots.

The Bristol-based 7-piece has been tearing up venues and festivals at home and abroad since 2013, with countless prominent slots across the UK and Europe. In 2019 they enjoyed their first primetime radio play on BBC 6 Music.

Tickets £12 are available through Small World’s website and £14 at the door. Doors and bar at the theatre, which is situated on Bath House Road, Cardigan SA43 1JY , open at 8pm.

To listen to Ushti Baba’s new tracks on Bandcamp, click the links: Pas de Passport and Rootless.