Church services and events in the area…
Deer Park Baptist Church
All are welcome to come to the following at Deer Park Baptist Church. Events are held in the Hall. Entrance is from the car park at the rear of the building. Parking for Blue badge holdes only. Invalid access and facilities.
Sunday, 10.45a.m.-12 noon – Morning service followed by coffee/tea and chat.
Monday, 1pm to 3.30pm – Warm Room Social afternoon.
Tuesday, 10.30a.m.-12.30pm – Social Coffee morning with experts to help with technology problems.
The following events are for the Ukraine families in the area. If you are hosting a family or know of one near you, please make then aware of these events: Saturday, 10.30am to 12.30pm – Ukraine Families English lessons. Tuesday, 6pm to 8pm – Ukraine Families Chat Club.
Bethesda Church, Saundersfoot
Sunday, April 2, 10.30am – Morning Service. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams; 3.30pm - Afternoon Service. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams.
Friday, April 7, 3pm- Good Friday Service. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams.
For further information call 01834 812869 or 01834 814832, visit , email [email protected] or find Bethesda Church, Saundersfoot on Facebook.
New Life Church
When your enemies surround you like a wall, call on the name of the Lord. God will help you! Message by Garry Emlyn.
God’s awesome power was parted the sea, letting His people escape danger. Why are we surprised when God answers prayer? This’s what God does! Mankind can’t do what God’s hand does. When we realise what God can do, ask Him to do more and use us to do good.
If I promise my wife I’ll do something, I do it, it may take time but I do it! God always fulfils His promises. God shares out His power with us. Pray, believe, act out in God’s power.
We all have wrongs staining us, but God washes us clean, equips us with faith to do His will. Believe, you’ll be filled with God’s Spirit, receiving power.
Dunamis, a Greek word for power, is mentioned over 100 times in the Bible. An unshakeable, explosive power, a force from God flowing through us. Realise this power, step out, do that one thing, work in union with Christ’s body, The Church.
Fear is from a dark spirit, not Jesus. Jesus gives courage and hope. Without Jesus we’re vulnerable. The Kingdom of Light is powerful; there’s also kingdom of darkness. We have authority to bind or lose the darkness in Jesus’ name. Don’t follow the world, follow Jesus. Move forward or you’re stagnant.
No-one is born saved, we can become new creations, joining Jesus, then your prayers carry power. People govern nations, God governs everything! The problems we face? Tell them to God, in Jesus’ name, hand them over to the All Powerful one, move forward in hope today.
Call 07765935475, visit: or on Facebook.
Benefice with St Andrew’s Church, Narberth
Services: Sunday, April 2:
9am Holy Eucharist in St John’s Church, Templeton
10am. Holy Eucharist in St Andrew’s Church, Narberth
11.30am Holy Eucharist in Robeston Wathen Church
Thursday, March 30 at 6pm – an ‘Interfaith Service’ for all religious traditions will be held in St Andrew’s Church
Thursday, March 30 at 1.30pm – in Seamus’ home, 16, Redstone Court, Narberth, the Lent Group will explore their faith through the Sacraments. Refreshments will be served. A warm welcome to all.
Tuesday, April 4 at 1.30pm – Craft Class will be held in The Rectory, Narberth. All welcome .
Cookery Book. Do you have any family cake recipes (not from cook books) you would be willing to include in a cookery book to be sold in aid of St Andrew’s restoration fund? Please contact Barbara at the Rectory or bring to church.
The ‘Benefice of Narberth’ Facebook page gives information on events and services in the Churches
Contacts: Rev’d Martin Cox (Rector and Local ministry Area Dean), tel. 01834 861192, [email protected] ; Rev’d Seamus Hargrave, 01834 860611, [email protected] .
Saundersfoot Methodist Church
Rev’d Lorette Hinson conducted the service at Saundersfoot Methodist Church last Sunday, a passage of scripture being read by Gwyneth Jenkins.
Next Sunday the service at 11am will be taken by the Carew Worship Group, and a warm welcome is extended to all.
When people are hurting, they often wonder why does God so often remain silent when we need Him?
That is the question that Martha and Mary ask in today`s gospel (John 11). Jesus could have gone to Bethany while Lazarus was still alive and cure him. Jesus’ absence and seeming indifference during Lazarus` illness was puzzling to them.
He purposely waited until Lazarus was dead for four days before going down to see Martha and Mary, but why? Because he had something greater planned for them. Jesus wanted to do something greater for Lazarus than just heal him. He wanted to raise him from the dead.
God has a different perspective than ours. He sees and knows all things. He can bring good out of the darkest of times. With time, we might be able to make sense of difficult situations in our own lives and in the world and even be thankful for them.
Then, when God so often seems silent when we are suffering is to make us stronger and to strengthen our faith. Jesus` absence and silence gave Martha and Mary the opportunity to develop a stronger trust in God. If we face our fears with confidence, carry our burdens by relying on his strength, go forward into the future no matter how dark it may seem, with trust, he will make all things work out for our good.
Masses from St Teilo’s and Parish events can be viewed on-line from the parish website and in the Parish Newsletter. Tel. 01834 84269.
St Mary’s Church, Begelly
Wednesday, March 29, 7pm – Prayer Meeting
Sunday, April 2, Palm Sunday, 9.45am – Morning Praise
Saturday April 8, 7pm – Easter Vigil
Every Monday, 1-3pm – ‘Warm Space’ Come for a chat
Every Tuesday, 10am – ‘Pebbles’ pre-school playgroup
All welcome.
St Issells Church, Saundersfoot
Saturday, April 1, 10.30am – Alpha Course, relaxed and informal. For further information please contact Rev’d Steve on 07545 619532 or [email protected]
Sunday, April 2, 8am – Said Holy Eucharist; 10.30am – Holy Eucharist
Every Wednesday, 10.30am – Holy Eucharist followed by Stations of the Cross
“All are welcome to join us.”
St Johns Church, Tenby
Reverend Adrian Davies led worship at St Johns. Reading Paul’s letter to the Romans chapter 8, verses 6-11, we as followers of Jesus Christ cannot obey God’s law if we are controlled by our human nature and faults, let’s follow God’s law through Jesus Christ’s teachings, who died for us, resulting in the life of God’s Holy Spirit alive in us.
Adrian, well known for including rugby in sermons, asked, who is the most important person on the pitch? The referee of course. Nigel Owens, a famous referee has 55,000 followers on twitter, Barack Obama has one and a half million. Ronaldo, half a million. Christianity has over 22 billion followers. What is a real follower?
The Gospel of John chapter 11 verses 1-45, the death of Jesus’s friend Lazarus. Previously visiting Lazarus’s hometown, people had threatened to stone Jesus, some disciples expressed fear of returning. but Thomas said, “let’s go with Jesus and die with Him”. Lazarus’s sister Martha greets Jesus weeping, saying, Lazarus is already buried. Jesus asks for the tomb to be opened, calls Lazarus, who walks out alive. True followers of Christ will have eternal life found in God’s Holy Spirit.
Thursday, March 30, 2.30pm – Lent Study.
On Saturday, April 1, 7.30 pm – concert with Gloucester Police and Tenby Male Choirs, tickets on the door.
Next Sunday, Palm Sunday – morning worship will include Communion at 11am, led by Mrs Kate Wolsey.
Monday 2-4pm Craft Club. Wednesday 9.30- 12.30 am, coffee and Welsh cakes; everyone welcome.
Molleston Baptist Chapel
The service on Sunday last was conducted by the Rev’d Arfon Thomas of Haverfordwest with Mrs Elizbeth Vaughan as organist.
The service this Sunday April 2 is 10.45am and will again be conducted by Rev’d Arfon Thomas.
A warm welcome is extended to everyone.
East Williamston Church
EASTER Services:
Good Friday at 10.30am – Stations of the Cross, followed by hot cross buns and tea and coffee.
Easter Sunday – Holy Eucharist at 9am. All welcome.
From Good Friday the church will be open again from 10am to 5pm.
Hebron Baptist Church
After three years people of different ages, backgrounds and circumstances had met Jesus. Many had become his friends and followers.
He had a close friendship with Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha, who often welcomed Jesus and his disciples into their Bethany home. After Lazarus was raised from the tomb at the command of Jesus, people continued to follow him.
Many accompanied him into Jerusalem for the Passover festival, praising God for all they had seen and heard (Matt 12:12-15, Luke 19:35-38). Cloaks and palm branches were put on the ground as he rode into the city on a young donkey, fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 ‘See your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a colt the foal of a donkey. His rule will extend from sea to sea and to the ends of the earth’.
Lives were changed by an encounter with Jesus during his ministry on earth and lives have continued to be changed generation after generation and continues every day.
There will always be people who are not ready to receive the love and salvation Christ offers and people who refuse to examine the Bible for themselves just as there were on that day which we call Palm Sunday.
Jesus did not come into Jerusalem for adulation but in preparation to be the sacrificial Lamb of God. His shed blood would be the only atoning sacrifice for everyone.
Visit or call 01834 811697 for enquiries.
The Old Chapel, Tenby
Continuing our series on ‘one things’ in the Bible we came across the man who was born blind, writes Ian Rees.
Our Lord put mud on his eyes and sent him to wash it off. The man went, washed his face, and his sight was miraculously restored. Bystanders were surprised to see him so changed and asked him many questions about who had sent him to wash etc. The poor man was confused. All he was sure of was that it was a man called Jesus.
Jesus’s enemies accused Jesus of being a sinner because he had healed on the Sabbath, breaking Jewish law. But the man replied Jesus must have come from God because of his miracles. Eventually he got quite exasperated and said, I don’t know the answer to many of your questions but ‘this one thing I know. Whereas I was blind, now I see’. He spoke literally, of course, but when our Lord found him and said to him, ‘do you believe on the Son of God?’ he replied, ‘Who is he, Lord, that I might believe’ and then believed Jesus to be the Son of God. He had been given spiritual sight as well.
If the ‘one thing’ that happens to all is separation of body and soul at death the ‘one thing’ we need to be given is spiritual sight, which leads to salvation. The god of this world has blinded our eyes but God can give us spiritual sight.
Why not join us on Sundays in Lower Frog Street at 11am to hear more?
This week is Palm Sunday and there will be a United Service at Pisgah Baptist Chapel at 6pm. The Circuit will have a zoomed service at 6pm as well. See Circuit website for further information .
The chapel will be celebrating Easter as follows:
Maundy Thursday, 7pm – Supper & Communion: Rev’d Lorette Hinson
Easter Sunday, 7am – Sunrise Service & Communion: Rev’d Lorette
Easter Sunday, 6pm – Communion: Rev’d Lorette (Please bring flowers to decorate the cross)
Lectionary readings for this week are from the Book of Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29; the Letter to the Philippians 2: 5-11; the Gospel of Matthew 21: 1-11.
The ‘Warm Hub’ will be open again this coming Monday, April 2. It will take place in the Youth Club Hall and will be open to all from 1pm to 4pm. If you feel the need for a warm place to go or would enjoy a time of fellowship with others, then come along. As this is the last week, there will be an Easter theme to celebrate the end of winter. All are very welcome to enjoy this space.
Let us pray that all those in distress of any kind find healing and restoration to new life through Jesus Christ. May those who have lost loved ones also find solace in the Lord’s presence. May everyone have all they need and be at peace in mind, body and spirit.
The minister, Rev’d Lorette Hinson, may be contacted on Tel: 01834 218614. To book the Youth Club Hall, contact Paul Lister on Tel. 01646 672258.