St. Teilo's School, Tenby, held their end of year presentation last week, with the following awards being made.

Class 4: Arrabella, Ellouise and Serena Hill Shield for Achievement - Hari Truman; Angelo Fecci Shield for Effort - Niamh Slack; Class 4 Overall Contribution - Sarah Davies. Class 3: Brunel Shield presented by PRP Training - Joe McDermott.; Jodie O'Connor Shield for Effort - Jade Rowell. Class 2: Matthew Sharp Memorial Shield - Dominic Belli; Richard Thomas Shield for Effort - Harrison Duckett; E. Wilson Shield for Overall Contribution to Class 2 - Keira Slack. Class 1: Noreen Toms Memorial Shield for Achievement - Jasna Joy; Trevayne Keohane Shield for Effort - Madison Neye; General Knowledge Award - Mia Foley; For Showing Maturity in Early Infant Years - Cerin Benny; Progress in Early Infant Years - Talia Ennis; N. Wilson Shield for Overall Contribution in Class 1 - Kieran Johnson; Caring Attitude in Class 1: Tegan Monaghan-Plews; Progress in Spelling - Kia Fecci. Early Years: Early Years Shield for Achievement - Suhan Pandey; Early Years Shield for Effort - Brandon Hughes. Nursery - Julie Frazer Shield for Overall Contribution to the Early Years - Kiah Lindsay; Hollie Griffin Memorial Shield for Effort - Ameya Neye. Animal Care (Jasper and Wilbur Shield) - Sabrina Morgan. Nursery Art (Einon Plate) - Carla Roberts. Infant Art (The Littelle Shield) - Ffion Daniel- Ellaway. Junior Art (Jim and Maeraid Thomas) - Tyler Wherrett. Design and Tech (Servini Shield) - Connor Ennis. Welsh (Lydia Rooke Shield) - Holly Furlong. History (Belli Shield) - Amy McGregor. ICT (Harrison Sharp Shield) - Ryan Morgan. Religion Cup (Dick Lewis Cup) - Atalya Monaghan- Plews. Children's Mass Cup (David Sterlini) - Niamh Slack. Overall Contribution to Music (The Jenkins Cup) - Hari Truman. Music Cup for Choir - Lucy Gleed. Brass Player of the Year (Chris Maggs Shield) - Atalya Monaghan-Plews. Best Woodwind Player of the Year - Sarah Davies. Creative Writing Cup (Sophie Cross Cup) - Laura Heghoygan. Courtesy Shield (The Fecci Shield) - Thomas Alman. Good Citizenship (Bethan James Shield) - Amy McGregor. Most Caring Pupil (Nurse Soar Memorial Award) - Caitlin Edwards. Road Safety (Trophy) - Lloyd Hughes. House Point Shield (Conor Keohane Shield) - St. Joseph's. Overall Contribution to Sport (The Davies Cup) - Lloyd Hughes and Holly Furlong. Netball Cup (The Knightston Cup) - Hari Truman. Football Cup, boys (The James Cup) - Lloyd Hughes. Football Cup, girls - Holly Furlong. Infant Football Cup - Zac Rowell. Cricket Shield (The Robins Shield for Cricket) - Hari Truman. Rugby Shield (Taormina Shield) - Kieran Rees. Swimming (Diane Coates Memorial Shield) - Niamh Slack. Infant Gym (The Nicholas Cup) - Megan Bridges. Boys Gym (The Angharad Nicholls Shield) - Ryan Morgan. Girls Gym (The Willars Shield) - Sarah Davies. Dance Shield - Thomas Alman. Contribution to Infant Sport (Danielle, Thomas and Luke Jones Shield) - Elliott Wherrett and Lillie Murray-Coller. Sports Shield (The Crockford Shield) - St. Teresa's - Hari and Tyler. Swimming Shield (The Fecci Shield) - Our Lady and St. Teresa - Hari, Tyler, Tom and Sarah. Eight and Under Football Shield - St. Teresa's - Zac Rowell. Over 8 Football Shield - St. Teresa's - Tyler Wherrett. Eight and Under Netball Shield - Our Lady - Megan Bridges. Over 8 Netball Shield - St. Theresa - Hari Truman. Friends Awards: Pleasure to Teach Awards, Early Years - Caitlin Rees; Reception - Libby Pey; Year 1 - Geraint James; Year 2 - Rosanna Boben; Year 3 - Amy Edwards; Year 4 - Myles Johnston; Year 5 - Kevin Benny; Year 6 - Lucy Gleed.