Headteacher Mrs Kite and the Governing Body of Ysgol Harri Tudur in Pembroke would like to congratulate all Year 11 pupils on their GCSE and BTEC results today and thank all the members of staff who prepared pupils for these exams.
“The resilience and determination shown by nearly all of our Year 11 pupils, in response to the disruption to all learners by the coronavirus pandemic over the last two years has been rightly reflected in the GCSE and BTEC results today,” said Mrs Kite.
“Similarly, we are also pleased with the effort of our Year 10 pupils in modular GCSE examinations.
“The pandemic has caused significant disruption to this cohort's GCSE studies, yet we have seen some outstanding personal successes today, with many pupils achieving good and in some cases outstanding results.
“We all send our huge congratulations and wish each and every one of our Year 11 pupils all the very best of luck for their sustained and future success either continuing their education in the Sixth form at Ysgol Harri Tudur/Henry Tudor School, alternative post 16 providers or to the world of employment.
“We hope that they will continue to achieve great things.
“We would also like to thank and recognise the contribution and support of the parents of our Year 11 pupils for their support.”