Students at Tenby’s Greenhill School have been congratulated on their A-Level resulst today, with headteacher David Haynes remarking that everyone at the secondary school is ‘immensely proud’ of their achievements.

“On behalf of the governors and staff of Ysgol Greenhill, I would like to congratulate all pupils receiving their richly deserved A/L3/AS results today,” said Mr Haynes.

Tenby Greenhill A level students
(Pic supplied)

“I am immensely proud of our outstanding young adults, who have not only achieved the grades required to move on to the universities of their choice, but the way in which they have enhanced their wider skills and personal qualities during their time in the sixth form.

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to the committed teachers, support staff and our families who have provided exceptional support for our pupils during their time at the school.”

Notable successes include Head Prefect Bethan Evans, who achieved two A* and two A grades and will study medicine at Cardiff University. Georgie Kidd who attained one A* and three A’s and will move on to Queen Mary University of London, to study English and European law.

Megan Haysom achieved one A*, two A’s and one B and will progress to Imperial College London, to study medical biosciences. Angwen Williams gained three A’s and one B and will study English literature at Cardiff University.

Greenhill A level results
(Pic supplied)

Alex Young achieved three A’s and one B and will progress to Cardiff University to study biomedical sciences.

Outstanding results were achieved by - Cara Evans (one Distinction and two Merits) and Rudy Poole (three Merit passes) in Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sports Coaching and Development.c